New 2d Dimensioning Tools in v7.0
Brand new geometric dimensioning tools added. You can now create an Engineering drawing in m3d and export to a DXF file for manufacture. New quick filter tool bar also added to aid selection.
The new 2d drafting tools available in the v6.7Beta release on website.
1) Toggle ortho snap - tracks and snaps lines to 0,30,45,60 and 90 degrees.
2) Line from point and tangent to circle.
3) Line tangent to two circles.
4) Split curve at point.
5) Trim curves to other curves
6) Fillet lines.
7) Make corner between lines (not shown)
6) Basic DXF support added for points, lines, arcs, circles and splines.
Remember to set the workplane size to a suitable size for your drawing extents under
Menu Item:- "Tools->Workplane->WP Size"
Remember also, the selection of items from the screen is dictated by the Filter which can be set here:-
Right Mouse Button Menu Item :- "Filter"
1) Toggle ortho snap - tracks and snaps lines to 0,30,45,60 and 90 degrees.
2) Line from point and tangent to circle.
3) Line tangent to two circles.
4) Split curve at point.
5) Trim curves to other curves
6) Fillet lines.
7) Make corner between lines (not shown)
6) Basic DXF support added for points, lines, arcs, circles and splines.
Remember to set the workplane size to a suitable size for your drawing extents under
Menu Item:- "Tools->Workplane->WP Size"
Remember also, the selection of items from the screen is dictated by the Filter which can be set here:-
Right Mouse Button Menu Item :- "Filter"
Note on M3d Points Acquisition
Remember to use drafting tools in conjunction with the points acquisition command under the right mouse button menu.
These commands are the keystone of M3d's operation and are re-iterated below:-
1) Between - gets a point midway between two other selected points and returns it into the current command point stack.
2) Translated From - returns a point translated from a selected point. Pick a point then type in or pick a translation vector. The new point is the selected point plus the translation vector. This is returned to the command point stack.
3) Polar Translated From - returns a point polar translated from an existing point. Pick a point then type in a translation vector in polar coordinates. The new point is the selected point plus the polar translation i.e. 2,45,0 will give a new point a distance of 2 away from the existing point at 45 degrees.
4) Intersection - returns the point at the intersection of two curves.
5) Project - returns a point that is the projection of an existing point onto a curve or surface. This is important for creating lines normal to curves.
6) Projected to Workplane - return a point which is projection of a point onto the workplane.
These commands can also be chained together so you could get a point:-
Between 2 Intersection
or a point
Translated from the point Between 2 Intersection
and so on.
Note Ortho may have to be turned off to get the desired results from these command.
These commands are the keystone of M3d's operation and are re-iterated below:-
1) Between - gets a point midway between two other selected points and returns it into the current command point stack.
2) Translated From - returns a point translated from a selected point. Pick a point then type in or pick a translation vector. The new point is the selected point plus the translation vector. This is returned to the command point stack.
3) Polar Translated From - returns a point polar translated from an existing point. Pick a point then type in a translation vector in polar coordinates. The new point is the selected point plus the polar translation i.e. 2,45,0 will give a new point a distance of 2 away from the existing point at 45 degrees.
4) Intersection - returns the point at the intersection of two curves.
5) Project - returns a point that is the projection of an existing point onto a curve or surface. This is important for creating lines normal to curves.
6) Projected to Workplane - return a point which is projection of a point onto the workplane.
These commands can also be chained together so you could get a point:-
Between 2 Intersection
or a point
Translated from the point Between 2 Intersection
and so on.
Note Ortho may have to be turned off to get the desired results from these command.
New graph plotting support added for Nastran response data (from sol 111). M3d automatically collates available response data across the frequency range and displays them in the dialog box. Simply click the available response and add to the plotting window for quick and easy response visualisation.
New beam sections have been added for modelling and solving of frame structures.
2D advancing front surface mesher
Animation display
Animated contour / deformation display functionality added.
Property / material editor
New property / material editor dialog added.